Historical Shortfall Scheme - archive

This is our archive of previous contents which appeared on the Historical Shortfall Scheme page.

To view our archive of previous data reporting, please click here.

If you have any queries about the information on this page, please let us know by email: one@postoffice.co.uk




A Government announcement on 13 March 2024, includes extending the GLO Scheme £75k offer to eligible HSS claimants. Post Office is working closely with Government on implementing this change as soon as possible. The Government’s press release can be found here: Wrongful Post Office convictions to be quashed through landmark legislation: 13 March 2024 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

We expect to be in a position in the coming weeks to share more details about how this affects HSS claimants and when payment might be made. We will update you as soon as we can. 

13 March 2024


HSS Offer letters and ‘without prejudice’ 

After careful consideration, following views expressed by some applicants, Post Office is removing the ‘without prejudice’ label and wording from future HSS offer letters.

We received feedback that using the label and wording on our offer letters was perceived as us ‘hiding’ behind the law and that use of these legal terms caused confusion or concern to some applicants who were not legally represented. That was not Post Office’s intention. Although the advice Post Office has received is that the ‘without prejudice’ label on letters in which compensation is offered is legally correct, the views of the applicants and access to the Scheme are paramount and more important to us than maintaining the legal position on this.

All future offers received by applicants of the HSS Scheme will be entirely open, meaning that an applicant is free to discuss the offer and its terms with whomever they choose to. Applicants can, of course, choose to keep offers confidential if they wish. Either way, Post Office will continue to keep all offers, including applicants’ offers, documents and personal information, confidential, save for Post Office being able to share it with related companies, current and former employees, servants and agents, and the Post Office Limited shareholder, and where disclosure is required by law, a regulatory body or order of a court, tribunal or Inquiry.

Applicants should also be aware, however, that, if they dispute their offer and enter into the Dispute Resolution Process to try to settle their claim, those processes will remain confidential and "without prejudice" as set out in the HSS Terms of Reference. Any further offer which Post Office makes outside of those processes will be open. Again, Post Office will continue to keep those offers confidential in any event subject to the proviso above.

We also confirm that, for any ‘without prejudice’ offers made previously, Post Office has no expectation of confidentiality from applicants, and will continue to keep applicants’ offers, documents and personal information confidential subject to the proviso above.

Should any potential or past applicant have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us on horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk 

Published on 1 March 2024


Important message – Tax Top-Up payments 

Postmasters in the Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS) are receiving Tax Top-Up payments to ensure that the amount of compensation they receive is not unduly reduced by tax. 

Letters with details about individual Tax Top-Up payments continue to be sent to Postmasters in the Scheme who have received compensation. Letters for Postmasters who received compensation before April 2023 are prioritised. We expect all Postmasters to have received letters by the end of March 2024 at the latest. 

Reassurance on HMRC Self-Assessment deadline
Some Postmasters may need to file a Self-Assessment tax return. If any Postmaster struggles to meet HMRC’s forthcoming electronic filing deadline (31 January 2024, or to pay any tax due, because they are waiting for their HSS Tax Top-Up letter or payment, any associated penalties and interest will not be payable. There is an HMRC team and guidance available to help – details can be found here. 

Financial help
If you need professional help to file your tax return, up to £250
plus VAT is available for this.  You do not have to wait for a Tax Top-Up letter to do this. Simply send your invoice either by email to 
horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk or alternatively, by post, to Post Office Horizon Shortfall Scheme, PO Box 76882, LONDON E1 9RR, remembering to quote your Scheme reference number from your correspondence. 

Questions and Answers on Tax Top-Ups can be found here.

Published on 9 January 2024


Tax Top-Up payments

You may be aware of the Government announcement on 19 June 2023 which said that Postmasters in the Horizon Shortfall Scheme “HSS” (previously called the Historical Shortfall Scheme) will receive a Tax Top-Up to their HSS compensation payment ensuring that the amount they receive is not unduly reduced by tax. 

The Tax Top-Up letters, are being distributed to Postmasters and we expect all Postmasters to have received these by the end of March 2024.

Published 15 December


Tax Top-Up payments

You may be aware of the Government announcement on 19 June 2023 which said that Postmasters in the Horizon Shortfall Scheme “HSS” (previously called the Historical Shortfall Scheme) will receive a Tax Top-Up to their HSS compensation payment ensuring that the amount they receive is not unduly reduced by tax.  We are pleased to advise that the Tax Top-Up letters have today started to be distributed to Postmasters. Over the coming weeks we will provide additional information on the progress of this exercise.

Published 24 October 2023

A full Q&A is provided with the Post Masters Tax Top-Up letter and detailed below are some of the key questions and answers.

Q Do I pay tax on the Tax Top-Up payment?

A No, the Tax Top-Up payment is exempt of income tax, capital gains tax and national insurance contributions and your estate will not be required to pay inheritance tax on it either.

Q Do I pay tax on the HSS compensation payment?

A Yes, there may be tax to pay on your HSS compensation payment. However, this has been effectively limited to the Basic (Starter in Scotland) rate of tax through the Tax Top-Up payment you will receive.

Q Can I get help with filing my tax return?

A Yes, remember, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid (and paying too little tax could result in you having to pay interest and penalties to HMRC). Post Office will pay your fees of up to £250 + VAT for help in deciding whether you need to file a tax return and in completing it for the year(s) you received your HSS compensation payment. We strongly recommend that you seek help with filing your tax return

Q Can I claim a tax refund through my self-assessment?

A You may be due a tax refund if the tax withheld on your HSS compensation payment was more than the tax due when filing your self-assessment return. To correctly reflect your personal tax status you may need to complete a tax return.  The HMRC self-assessment process will work in the normal way (see https://www.gov.uk/self-assessment-tax-returns). The Tax Top-Up payment is designed based on generous assumptions, you can still accept the Tax Top-Up payment even if you are owed a tax refund after self-assessment.

Q Who can I speak to if I have general queries regarding this payment?

A You can contact us by email at horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk


Eligible late applications

In addition to applicants who are currently part of the Horizon Shortfall Scheme, or who have already accepted offers, we are aware there are people who, for a variety of reasons and circumstances, were unable to apply to the Scheme while it was open in 2020.

To recognise this, we will now accept eligible late applications into the Horizon Shortfall Scheme. This invitation is to new applicants only - anyone who was not able to submit an application to the Horizon Shortfall Scheme before the end date of 27 November 2020.

We will be writing out to everyone who has already contacted us to inform them of this, so if you have already enquired about this you don’t need to do so again separately.           

If you believe you are eligible to apply to the Horizon Shortfall Scheme, but you did not apply while the Scheme was open or you have not already enquired about this to Post Office since the Scheme closed, please complete the application form on the right-hand side of this website or contact horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk as soon as possible to request an application form. Full details about how to submit an application are included in the form. 

We appreciate that the application form may appear long and complex, but it is important we have as much information as possible to ensure your application is assessed fairly and thoroughly and the right outcome is reached for your case. Some of the scheme documents also contain necessary formal, legal information and language. Wherever we can, we have kept the information as clear and straightforward as possible.

The Scheme was originally open between May 2020 and 14 August 2020, with an extension for exceptional circumstances until 27 November 2020. 

Eligible late applications will be managed through existing Horizon Shortfall Scheme processes, including an assessment by the Independent Advisory Panel to ensure claims are considered consistently with those already submitted.  

Please see the information and downloadable documents on this website for further details about the Horizon Shortfall Scheme. 

(last updated: 20 July 2023)


To assist Postmasters, once we have undertaken an initial review of an eligible application and identified any likely shortfalls, Post Office will consider making an interim payment to eligible applicants in advance of Post Office sending a final outcome letter or while an eligible applicant considers an Offer (please contact Post Office at horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk to request this). Eligible applicants who have received an Offer but wish to dispute it, will also be offered an interim payment of up to 80% of the Offer (please contact Post Office at DisputeResolutionTeam@postoffice.co.uk to request this). Post Office will not ask for such payments back, whatever the ultimate outcome of eligible applicant claims.

The Horizon Shortfall Scheme has been designed to be simple and user-friendly to avoid the need to incur costs of legal representation. Applicants are of course welcome to engage a lawyer or other professional advisor to provide independent representation at their own expense. Post Office will however help you with the reasonable costs of obtaining legal advice on an Offer if one is made to you. If so, full details will be included in the Offer letter. Reasonable legal fees will also be reimbursed should you wish to dispute the Offer.

Last updated 20 July 2023


Previously Postmasters were unable to join the Horizon Shortfall Scheme if they ran their Post Offices through a limited company which has since been dissolved. This was because there was no legal entity to make the Horizon Shortfall Scheme claim (nor company bank account to receive any settlement) - the company having ended. In the interests of fairness, Post Office has re-examined this position and has written to all 34 Postmasters who were ineligible for this reason to explain that Post Office is now reviewing their claim and will be in touch soon. 31 of these have now received an Offer. If you were previously informed you were ineligible for the Horizon Shortfall Scheme due to your company having been dissolved and you have not heard from us, please contact us at horizonshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk. 

Updated 20 July 2023


Scheme name change

Please note that, following feedback received, the name of the Scheme changed on 7 July 2023 to Horizon Shortfall Scheme. It is the same Scheme and there are no other changes. Therefore, current or former applicants do not need to do anything further, or re-apply.

The feedback received was that the word ‘historical’, included in the name of the previous Scheme, was considered offensive to some Postmasters because the impact of the Horizon Scandal has continued to affect their lives and was very much not historical. No offence was ever intended and the word historical was used solely to clarify that the Scheme offers redress for past shortfalls, related to previous versions of Horizon (pre-2017). Post Office is sorry for any offence this may have caused.

Published 20 July 2023


Updates on progress

From January 2023, you can find the monthly updates on progress with Horizon Shortfall Scheme applications, offers and payments here.

(Published 10 January 2023 and updated 20 July 2023)


Update to Panel Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Independent Advisory Panel have been updated to reflect the appointment of additional panel members to the Horizon Shortfall Scheme's Independent Advisory Panel.

Please see the updated document on the right-hand side of the website and the Q&As below.

Why has Post Office appointed additional panel members?
Post Office has appointed additional panel members with similar level of qualifications and experience to the original panel to assist in the effective running of the scheme and to ensure that individual cases are progressed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Who is on the Panel to assess cases?
Each case will be assessed by three members of the Independent Advisory Panel comprising one legal specialist; one forensic accounting specialist; one retail specialist.

The Panel now consists of eight legal specialists (Michael Davie KC, Lord Edward Garnier KC, Lynne McCafferty KC, James Cross KC, Alex Charlton KC, Andrew Neish KC, Jessica Stephens KC and Benjamin Pilling KC); six forensic accounting specialists (Susan Blower, Kevin Haywood Crouch, Andy Cottle, Andrew Maclay, William Bowyer and Nishad Morjaria) and two retail experts (Sunder Sandher and Chris Mitchener).

In addition, a legal specialist from 4 Pump Court and a forensic accounting specialist may be appointed as delegates should relevant members of the Panel be unable to attend Panel meetings. 

Published 13 October 2022 and updated 20 July 2023 




Thank you for visiting the website of the Historical Shortfall Scheme.

Eligible late applications

In addition to applicants who are currently part of the Historical Shortfall Scheme, or who have already accepted offers, we are aware there are people who, for a variety of reasons and circumstances, were unable to apply to the Scheme while it was open in 2020.

To recognise this, we will now accept eligible late applications into the Historical Shortfall Scheme. This invitation is to new applicants only - anyone who was not able to submit an application to the Historical Shortfall Scheme before the end date of 27 November 2020.

We will be writing out to everyone who has already contacted us to inform them of this, so if you have already enquired about this you don’t need to do so again separately.           

If you believe you are eligible to apply to the Historical Shortfall Scheme, but you did not apply while the Scheme was open or you have not already enquired about this to Post Office since the Scheme closed, please complete the application form on the right-hand side of this website or contact historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk as soon as possible to request an application form. Full details about how to submit an application are included in the form. 

We appreciate that the application form may appear long and complex, but it is important we have as much information as possible to ensure your application is assessed fairly and thoroughly and the right outcome is reached for your case. Some of the scheme documents also contain necessary formal, legal information and language. Wherever we can, we have kept the information as clear and straightforward as possible.

The Scheme was originally open between May 2020 and 14 August 2020, with an extension for exceptional circumstances until 27 November 2020. 

Eligible late applications will be managed through existing Historical Shortfall Scheme processes, including an assessment by the Independent Advisory Panel to ensure claims are considered consistently with those already submitted.  

Please see the information and downloadable documents on this website for further details about the Historical Shortfall Scheme. 

(last updated: 12 October 2022)

To assist Postmasters, once we have undertaken an initial review of an eligible application and identified any likely shortfalls, Post Office will consider making an interim payment to eligible applicants in advance of Post Office sending a final outcome letter or while an eligible applicant considers an Offer (please contact Post Office at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk to request this). Eligible applicants who have received an Offer but wish to dispute it, will also be offered an interim payment of up to 80% of the Offer (please contact Post Office at DisputeResolutionTeam@postoffice.co.uk to request this). Post Office will not ask for such payments back, whatever the ultimate outcome of eligible applicant claims.

The Historical Shortfall Scheme has been designed to be simple and user-friendly to avoid the need to incur costs of legal representation. Applicants are of course welcome to engage a lawyer or other professional advisor to provide independent representation at their own expense. Post Office will however help you with the reasonable costs of obtaining legal advice on an Offer if one is made to you. If so, full details will be included in the Offer letter. Reasonable legal fees will also be reimbursed should you wish to dispute the Offer.

Last updated 20 January 2023

Previously Postmasters were unable to join the Historical Shortfall Scheme if they ran their Post Offices through a limited company which has since been dissolved. This was because there was no legal entity to make the Historical Shortfall Scheme claim (nor company bank account to receive any settlement) - the company having ended. In the interests of fairness, Post Office has re-examined this position and has written to all 34 Postmasters who were ineligible for this reason to explain that Post Office is now reviewing their claim and will be in touch soon. 31 of these have now received an Offer. If you were previously informed you were ineligible for the Historical Shortfall Scheme due to your company having been dissolved and you have not heard from us, please contact us at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk

Updated 10 January 2023

Updates on progress

From January 2023, you can find the monthly updates on progress with Historical Shortfall Scheme applications, offers and payments here.

(Published 10 January 2023)

Update to Panel Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Independent Advisory Panel have been updated to reflect the appointment of additional panel members to the Historical Shortfall Scheme's Independent Advisory Panel.

Please see the updated document on the right-hand side of the website and the Q&As below.

Why has Post Office appointed additional panel members?
Post Office has appointed additional panel members with similar level of qualifications and experience to the original panel to assist in the effective running of the scheme and to ensure that individual cases are progressed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Who is on the Panel to assess cases?
Each case will be assessed by three members of the Independent Advisory Panel comprising one legal specialist; one forensic accounting specialist; one retail specialist.

The Panel now consists of eight legal specialists (Michael Davie KC, Lord Edward Garnier KC, Lynne McCafferty KC, James Cross KC, Alex Charlton KC, Andrew Neish KC, Jessica Stephens KC and Benjamin Pilling KC); six forensic accounting specialists (Susan Blower, Kevin Haywood Crouch, Andy Cottle, Andrew Maclay, William Bowyer and Nishad Morjaria) and two retail experts (Sunder Sandher and Chris Mitchener).

In addition, a legal specialist from 4 Pump Court and a forensic accounting specialist may be appointed as delegates should relevant members of the Panel be unable to attend Panel meetings. 

Published 13 October 2022 


Thank you for visiting the website of the Historical Shortfall Scheme.

Please note the scheme is now closed and can no longer accept new applications.


(last updated: 28 November 2020) 


To assist Postmasters, once we have undertaken an initial review of an eligible application and identified any likely shortfalls, Post Office will consider making an interim payment to eligible applicants in advance of Post Office sending a final outcome letter or while an eligible applicant considers an Offer. Post Office will not ask for such payments back, whatever the ultimate outcome of eligible applicant claims. Eligible applicants who have received an Offer but wish to dispute it, will also be offered an interim payment of at least 50% of the Offer. Please contact Post Office at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk to request this.

Updated 10 January 2023

If you are experiencing financial difficulties or suffering serious health issues, we will consider making a payment to you early. In advance of us sending a final outcome letter we will consider a payment to you of up to £10,000 or, if you have received an Offer but need more time to review or dispute it, we will consider paying part of your Offer if you are experiencing financial difficulties or suffering serious health issues. We will not ask for such payments back, whatever the ultimate outcome of your claim.

Please contact us at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk to request this.

Last updated 22 August 2022


If you are waiting for an outcome to your Historical Shortfall Scheme claim and are experiencing financial difficulties or suffering serious health issues, we will consider making a payment to you up to £10,000 in advance of us sending a final outcome letter. We will not ask for this back should the Independent Panel not make you an award (or an award below the value of the advance payment).

If you would like us to consider this, please email us at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk, telling us about your situation.

Updated 29 July 2022  

Previously Postmasters were unable to join the Historical Shortfall Scheme if they ran their Post Offices through a limited company which has since been dissolved. This was because there was no legal entity to make the Historical Shortfall Scheme claim (nor company bank account to receive any settlement) - the company having ended. In the interests of fairness, Post Office has re-examined this position and has written to all 28 Postmasters who were ineligible for this reason and explained that Post Office is now reviewing their claim and will be in touch soon. If you were previously informed you were ineligible for the Historical Shortfall Scheme due to your company having been dissolved and you have not subsequently heard from us, please contact us at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk

Updated 8 August 2022

If you are experiencing financial difficulties or suffering serious health issues, we will consider making an interim payment to you. In advance of us sending a final outcome letter we will consider a payment to you of up to £10,000 or, if you have received an Offer but need more time to review or dispute it, we will consider paying part of your Offer. We will not ask for such payments back, whatever the ultimate outcome of your claim.

If you would like us to consider this, please email us at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk, describing your situation. 

Updated 9 August 2022

Update to Panel Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the independent advisory panel have been updated to reflect the appointment of additional panel members to the Historical Shortfall Scheme's Independent Advisory Panel.

Please see the updated document on the right-hand side of the website and the Q&As below.

Q. Why has Post Office appointed additional panel members?
A. Post Office has appointed additional panel members with similar level of qualifications and experience to the original panel to assist in the effective running of the scheme and to ensure that individual cases are progressed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Q. Who is on the Panel to assess cases?
A. Each case will be assessed by three members of the Independent Advisory Panel comprising one legal specialist; one forensic accounting specialist; and one retail specialist.

The Panel consists of two legal specialists (Alex Charlton QC and James Cross QC); two forensic accounting specialists (Susan Blower and Kevin Haywood Crouch) and two retail experts (Sunder Sandher and Chris Mitchener).

In addition, a legal specialist from 4 Pump Court and a forensic accounting specialist may be appointed as delegates should relevant members of the Panel be unable to attend Panel meetings. To date, Lord Edward Garnier QC, Lynne McCafferty QC and Michael Davie QC have been appointed as legal specialist delegates and Andy Cottle and Andrew Maclay have been appointed as forensic accounting specialists.

last updated 6 July 2022 

Update to Panel Terms of Reference – 6 October 2021

The Terms of Reference for the Independent Advisory Panel have been updated to reflect the appointment of additional panel members to the Historical Shortfall Scheme's Independent Advisory Panel.

Please see the updated document on the right-hand side of the website and the Q&As below.

Why has Post Office appointed additional panel members?
Post Office has appointed additional panel members with a similar level of qualifications and experience to the original panel to assist in the effective running of the scheme and to ensure that individual cases are progressed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Who is on the panel to assess cases?
Each case will be assessed by three members of the Independent Advisory Panel comprising one legal specialist; one forensic accounting specialist; and one retail specialist.

The panel consists of two legal specialists (Alex Charlton QC and James Cross QC); two forensic accounting specialists (Susan Blower and Kevin Haywood Crouch) and two retail experts (Sunder Sandher and Chris Mitchener).

In addition, a legal specialist from barristers’ chambers 4 Pump Court and a forensic accounting specialist from accountancy firm BDO may be appointed as delegates should relevant members of the panel be unable to attend panel meetings. 

23 August 2021

Updated Privacy Notice for Scheme

We have updated the Privacy Notice for the Historical Shortfall Scheme as of 23 August 2021.

Please see the list of documents on the right to read and download the updated version. 

31 December 2020

Update to Panel Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the independent advisory panel have been updated to reflect the increased interest rate that will be applied to payments made for shortfall loss and consequential loss claims under the Historical Shortfall Scheme.

Please see the updated document on the right-hand side of the website and the Q&A below.

Why has the interest rate been set at 3.45%?
Post Office decided to base the Scheme’s interest rate on historic Bank of England rates as this was considered the fairest and most straightforward approach for all postmasters. Horizon was first rolled out nationally on 11 April 1999 and so Post Office considers it fair to calculate the average weighted interest rate from this date until 14 August 2020, the date Scheme formally closed for applications (which is 2.45%). It is considered standard practice by the Commercial Court to add 1% to a base rate and Post Office has also adopted this approach, making the rate 3.45% (2.45% + 1%). 

last updated: 31 December 2020  

2 October 2020

Important update to Historical Shortfall Scheme Eligibility Criteria 

Post Office has announced a change to the Eligibility Criteria for the Historical Shortfall Scheme. It means postmasters who entered into settlement agreements with Post Office before the High Court’s judgment on Horizon Issues on 16 December 2019 will be able to apply to the scheme (unless they were part of the group litigation against Post Office that settled in December 2019).

Paragraph 6 of the original Eligibility Criteria meant that postmasters who had entered into settlement agreements with Post Office as part of the 2013 Mediation Scheme or under Network Transformation or other scheme were the only postmasters who had entered into settlement agreements who were eligible to apply to the scheme. It has come to Post Office’s attention during the course of the scheme that there are a small number of postmasters who entered into settlement agreements outside of the group litigation and before the High Court’s judgment on Horizon Issues on 16 December 2019, and would not therefore have had the benefit of knowing the Court’s findings on those issues. Post Office wants to ensure those individuals, and others in a similar position, are able to join the scheme.  

Therefore, paragraph 6 of the Eligibility Criteria will now be replaced with the following:

6. You must not have been part of the group litigation against Post Office that settled in December 2019. The settlement reached by the parties was full and final. You must also not have entered into a settlement agreement with Post Office after the High Court’s judgment on Horizon Issues dated 16 December 2019.”

A copy of the full updated Eligibility Criteria can be found on the right-hand side of this page.

Any postmaster who considers that they are now eligible for the Historical Shortfall Scheme as a result of this change to the Eligibility Criteria may submit an application up to midnight GMT on 27 November 2020, (even though the Scheme has closed to general applications except in special circumstances). If you would like an application form, please contact the scheme mailbox at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk or write to Post Office Historical Shortfall Scheme, PO Box 76882, London E1W 9RR. Please use Royal Mail as PO Box addresses can only accept post from Royal Mail and not from other carriers or couriers. 

last updated: 2 October 2020 

30 September 2020 
Independent advisory panel Terms of Reference and consequential loss principles

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Terms of Reference for the independent advisory panel that will assess eligible applications and also the consequential loss principles for the Historical Shortfall Scheme. You can find these on the right-hand side of this page along with explanatory notes. Applicants to the scheme should please read the documents carefully.

The contents have been agreed with the independent advisory panel and confirm the key principles that apply in the assessment of applications. 

We hope applicants will welcome the principles set out here. If you no longer wish to progress your application for any reason, you may withdraw it at any point up until you receive an outcome confirmation from the scheme, but we hope that you will want to remain in the scheme. 

last updated: 30 September

15 August 2020

Thank you for visiting the website of the Historical Shortfall Scheme.

The scheme is now closed to new applications – the closing date was midnight BST on Friday 14 August 2020.
If you have submitted an application and haven’t yet heard from us, we will be in touch with you shortly.
If you have not yet applied and feel you have special circumstances that have delayed your application beyond the closing date, please get in touch with the scheme at historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk as soon as possible.

last updated: 15 August

1 June 2020 

Welcome to the website of the Historical Shortfall Scheme

Information for applicants

The Historical Shortfall Scheme aims to resolve past issues for current and former postmasters who believe they have experienced shortfalls related to previous versions of Horizon.

Here you will find all the information you need to find out whether you are eligible and to help you submit an application. Eligible applications will be assessed by an independent advisory panel.

Please submit your application by midnight BST on Friday 14 August 2020, as the scheme is then due to close to new applications.

We appreciate people may be facing difficult circumstances due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. We will of course continue to monitor this and any impact on the scheme, and if we need to be flexible, for example in changing the closing date or around postal applications, we will keep you updated on this website, so please do check back regularly.

Please click on the relevant links for the full details and please read all the information before completing an application.

Some of the documents contain formal, legal information and language that is necessary for the integrity of the scheme. Where possible, such as in the questions and answers, we have kept the information as clear and straightforward as possible. 

Please download the Application Form using the link on the right hand side of this page and save it to your electronic device. Once you have completed your application, please ensure the final version you email is saved and all the information you have entered is visible. Please attach the completed form to an email and send it to historicalshortfallscheme@postoffice.co.uk.

If you are sending a hard copy application by post, when you print the completed form please ensure all the information you have entered is visible in the printed version.  

*forms updated Friday 29 May 2020

last updated 1 June

30 April 2020

Welcome to the website of the Historical Shortfall Scheme

Information for applicants

The Historical Shortfall Scheme aims to resolve past issues for current and former postmasters who believe they have experienced shortfalls related to previous versions of Horizon.

Here you will find all the information you need to find out whether you are eligible and to help you submit an application. Eligible applications will be assessed by an independent advisory panel.

Please submit your application by midnight BST on Friday 14 August 2020, as the scheme is then due to close to new applications.

We appreciate people may be facing difficult circumstances due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. We will of course continue to monitor this and any impact on the scheme, and if we need to be flexible, for example in changing the closing date or around postal applications, we will keep you updated on this website, so please do check back regularly.

Please click on the relevant links for the full details and please read all the information before completing an application.

Some of the documents contain formal, legal information and language that is necessary for the integrity of the scheme. Where possible, such as in the questions and answers, we have kept the information as clear and straightforward as possible.

The links on the right take you to:

  • Are you eligible?
  • Terms of reference
  • Application form
  • Questions and Answers about the scheme
  • Privacy Policy 

last updated 30 April